The Ensemble Kaboul explores the Persian music of Afghanistan, an unrecognized or even forgotten repertoire. In this country, rich with several musical cultures, the traditional and sacred Persian heritage testifies to a remote past and of a particular poetry.
To bring this repertoire back to life, the Ensemble Kaboul needs to work like archeologists in order to rediscover the buried musical themes, the missing ornements and the lost motifs of a formely flourishing musical corpus. To make this desert soil bloom again, the fragmentary melodies are completed and the instrumentations and compositions are developed.
To renovate these buried mosaïcs, the Ensemble Kaboul calls to musicians who belong to a large Persian musical family spread over numerous countries. Persian cultural influence can be experienced from Lahore to Budapest and from Erevan to Cordoba.
This approach is made possible thanks to the extraordinary musical abilities of all the members of the group. Indeed, each musician of the Ensemble Kaboul is endowed with both a non- European and a European musical culture.